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Create New Donations

To create a new Donation, follow these steps:

  • Step 1 - To start creating an Donation, on your Dashboard navigate to Donations > Add Donation. The Add New Donation page will show.

  • Step 2 - This are the needed information for the Donation, you can add the details.

    1. Title - The name of the Donation item.

    2. Editor container - You can add text detail/information about the Donation.

    3. Donation Form Options - Set the details and format of the Donation.

      • Donation Options

        • Donation Option - Set the price and level of the possible amount donations. Choose from: Multi-level or Set Donation

          1. Multi-level Donation - Create a multi optioned donation for the form.

            • Display Style - How the level of the donation is displayed.

            • Custom Amount - Option to allow users to input their own donation amount.

              • Minimum Amount - Set the minimum amount that the user can donate.
              • Custom Amount Text - Text to describe the minimum amount.
            • Donation Level

              • Amount - Donation amount for this level.
              • Text - Name of the donation level.
              • Default - Option to set the donation level as the default level.
          2. Set Donation - Set a single donation for the form.

            • Set Donation - Donation amount set for the form.

            • Custom Amount - Option to allow users to input their own donation amount.

              • Minimum Amount - Set the minimum amount that the user can donate.
              • Custom Amount Text - Text to describe the minimum amount.
      • Form Display

        • Donation Option - How the donation information of the form is displayed.
        • Submit Button - The text/label inside the button.
        • Default Gateway - What payment gateway is used for the form.
        • Guest Donations - Option to allow guest users to donate.
        • Registration - Option to display the Registration and/or Login link if user is a non-logged-in user.
        • Floating Labels - Option to allow floating labels.
      • Donation Goal

        • Donation Goal - Option to enable donation goal.
        • Goal Format - The display format of donation goal.
        • Goal Amount - The amount you want to reach for this form.
        • Progress Bar Color - The color for the goal progress bar.
        • Close Form - Option to automatically close the donation form once donation goal is reached.
      • Form Content

        • Display Content - Option to add details about the donation form.
        • Content Placement - Location where the donation details are shown.
        • Content - Content for the donation details.
      • Terms & Conditions

        • Terms and Conditions - Option to require the user to accept terms before donating. Choose options: Global Option, Customize, or Disable
        • Agreement Label - This will show when Customize option is enabled. Label for the terms.
        • Agreement Text - This will show when Customize option is enabled. Content for the terms.
      • Offline Donations

        • Offline Donations - Option to enable offline donation for the form.
        • Billing Fields - This will show when Customize option is enabled. Enable the billing details section for this form’s offline donation payment gateway.
        • Donation Instructions - This will show when Customize option is enabled. Content for the instructions.
      • Email Notification

        • New Donation - Options for Email details for new donations. You can edit the email by clicking Custommize.
        • Donation Receipt - Options for Email details for donation receipt. You can edit the email by clicking Custommize.
        • New Offline Donation - Options for Email details for new offline donations. You can edit the email by clicking Custommize.
        • Offline Donation Instruction - Options for Email details for offline donation instruction. You can edit the email by clicking Custommize.
    4. Excerpt - Short summary of the information about the Donation.

    5. Form Category - A broad detail that can categorize this Donation with other Donations.

    6. Form Tags - Specific details that can be use to group this Donation with other Donations.

    7. Featured Image - The Image shown in the listings/pages.

  • Step 3 - Add all the needed details and descriptions for the Donation, Once satisfied click on Publish button.

Add Donations to Page

To add Events to a page, an element in the Visual Composer is used: Donations Forms


This is the element that will add a Donations on the page. For more information about these elements, go to Religia Custom Shortcodes > Donations Forms .